Posts from April 2023

moving house . . .

after eleven years, we are moving house from the obere bachgasse nr. 8
in regensburg, bavaria to bott | berner oberland tuna town.
our new address is: gantrischstrasse 24, ch-3600 thun,
switzerland . . .

moving house as exemplified by carlos no’s weekend | photography: susana dinis |
and among others, tejo remy’s you can’t lay down your memory, […]

posted 12 April 2023

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a new living adventure in the bernese highlands . . .

as of the beginning of april, ines (whose birthday it is today) and i have recently begun a new adventure in alpine living in bott. bott is a relatively new made-up acronym for the swiss town of thun, in the bernese highlands
| berner-oberland-tuna-town | . . .
we have a new apartment in the western […]

posted 6 April 2023

categories photos