Posts from August 2010

urban mobility & bicycles . . .

don’t miss the exhibit, our cities ourselves: the future of transportation in urban life, at the center for architecture, 536 la guardia place, new york, ny 10012. the exhibit will be closing on in about two weeks on wednesday, september 15, 2010.
nick foley, who graduated from the industrial design department at pratt this […]

posted 25 August 2010

categories design, education

noam’s therapeutic rehabilitation for furniture, through design

this past spring, noam tabenkin graduated from the department of industrial design at the bezalel academy of arts & design, jerusalem*. in the spring of 2009, we had the good fortune of having noam as an exchange student for the id department at pratt. her studio choice was making meaning and she complimented our group […]

posted 14 August 2010

categories education

neil was right, rust never sleeps . . .

rust never sleeps is the name of an album released in 1979 by neil young &
crazy horse, and recorded live at san francisco’s cow palace. neil was right* . . .

cowgirl In the sand
*hello ruby in the dust, has your band begun to rust.
cowgirl in the sand, neil young . . […]

posted 11 August 2010

categories photos

somewhat ephemeral images as a point of departure for seeing painting anew . . .

landscape auto body painting, brooklyn new york

dubonnet bleu, pas raphaël rouge, elsasse (alsace), france
crowley, old saybrooke, connecticut
railroad car, olten, switzerland . . .
a foggy summer scene in a refrigeration unit at rustica, somerville, massachusetts.

wood flooring, used for the montreal jazz festival, painted blue . . .
a sign in peterborough road, sw6 london, uk.
paint fragments […]

posted 1 August 2010

categories design, photos