Posts from November 2020

new york city transit & the vignelli diagram’s new life . . .

an interesting viewpoint from allen hillery about one of vignelli’s most important legacies; the nyc transit signage system and the design of the nyc subway diagram:
how vignelli’s design still influences nyc’s subway maps today . . .
a film by gary hustwit, about a developing digital version of the nyc transit’s current map, which inherits […]

posted 10 November 2020

categories design, education

it is possible that love trumps hate . . .

“i think that a society where people really see one another as
full men and women, as americans, is possible.”
“es sollte möglich sein, dass amerikaner sich als vollwertige,
gleichberechtige männer und frauen in die augen sehen.”
bruce springsteen

posted 7 November 2020

categories education