pratt’s idsa student chapter & id instructor, noah king organized a two day collaborative event between pratt’s industrial design department and new york university’s tisch school of the arts, itp (interactive telecommunications program) students. some of the collaborators are, among others, jess fugler, susan ngo, eddie de martino, sean gordon, michael kelberman, noah king, marko manriquez & igal nassima.
the pratt id students learned about physical computing related to remote control model cars and nyu / tisch school of the arts, itp students learned about about designing vacuum formed shrouds and model making for these models, as well as other robotics. the venue took place on saturday november 21st at the nyu campus, 721 broadway, manhattan (to make a robot and an arduino-based lighting project) and sunday november 22nd in brooklyn, in id department’s, pratt studios building . . .
posted 24 November 2009
categories education
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