this post is a educational design homage to the late head & faculty member of the industrial design department at rhode island school of design, kenneth hunnibell. i adopted this assignment after seeing ken in action with his iD students during a cook-off, in the spring of 1998 at risd. four years later in boston, massachusetts at wentworth institute of technology, bill bancroft (a risd alumnus who had ken as a teacher) and i decided to give this camping stove prototype assignment a go with our iD sophomores. now, many years later in bavaria, here’s yet another group of iD students at the university of applied sciences regensburg with their own canned heat prototype cook-off . . .
an interesting article from brooklyn based cabinet magazine, number 37, called, “hot on the trail,” by thomas a. p. van leeuwen:
hot on the trail & alexis soyer’s (1810–1858) magic stove . . .
posted 22 July 2013
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