storm king turns fifty & making meaning turns five . . .

on saturday september 11th, at beginning of autumn semester at pratt and the fifth year of making meaning, we went to storm king art center, which happens to be celebrating it’s 50th anniversary . . . the weather couldn’t have been better for our all day excursion in the hudson river valley, what a wonderful day to turn the context of metropolitan new york on it’s head. here are around a dozen of the many images from our educational experience with jeff kapec’s id juniors from his abstraction class along with our fifteen id seniors from making meaning . . .

here is our making meaning / abstraction design troupe. i find it interesting that you sometimes find insights, new idea connections and/or interpretations for a design curriculum where you might not expect to look. during this road trip, i found a new interpretation for line exercises, done in conjunction with the elements of design, through the work of british sculpture, george cutts and his piece from 1996 entitled sea change. according to storm king’s website, “this unique, lyrical, motorized stainless steel sculpture was inspired by the currents
and waves of the sea, as experienced by the artist, who is also an experienced scuba diver.”

here’s a short video of the piece in motion from september 11th:
sea change by george cutts, at storm king art center, 2010 

for more information about storm king at fifty, please take a look at this link:

storm king art center at 50 

in addition here’s a link to kenneth snelson’s book, art & ideas:

kenneth snelson’s book, art & ideas © 2013


posted 11 September 2010

categories education, photos