plzeň design week . . .

plzeň design week is a collaboration to enhance design communication and energy between the czech republic with, among others, the german state of bavaria:
plzeň design week 2017

posted 20 November 2017

categories design

untitled, number nine . . .

untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
untitled, number nine . . .

mio: matthew’s inanimate objects. ulrike toaster.

posted 1 November 2017

categories photos

an engineer invents a new art form . . .

alexander calder graduated in 1919 from stevens institute of technology in hoboken, new jersey with a degree in mechanical engineering. after graduation, he held jobs with an automotive engineer in rutherford, new jersey, and with the new york edison company as a a hydraulic engineer and a draftsman. in 1922, calder found work as a […]

posted 6 October 2017

categories photos

light, color & james turrell . . .

celestial twilight: die blaue stunde . . .
unfortunately there isn’t a correlating english reference to what the germans call, die blaue stunde, but light, color and spacial relationships are all active in the particular place called, meeting. james turrell’s skyspace, meeting, at ps1
you might also want to see james turrell’s […]

posted 21 September 2017

categories photos

among friends & rauschenberg . . .

painting relates to both art and life. neither can be made.
(i try to act in that gap between the two.)
robert rauschenberg, 1959
an excerpt from the robert rauschenberg foundation below:
rauschenberg foundation
black mountain college (north carolina, 1933–57), an experimental school focused on the collaborative teaching of art and science, served as a home and […]

posted 25 August 2017

categories education, photos

no boundaries, ettore sottsass . . .

ettore sottsass,1917–2007:
there are no boundaries between architecture, sculpture, design & painting . . .
auf deutsch:
es gibt keine grenzen zwischen architektur, skulptur, design & malerei . . .
ettore sottsass: rebel & poet, vitra design museum

posted 21 August 2017

categories design

an exhibit: transformation . . .

july 20th until september 8 2017:
galerie konstantin b.
am brixener hof 11
regensburg, bavaria
various works from the iD2 crew and the industrial design program,
department of architectures, at the university of applied sciences regensburg . . .
a special thanks to bernhard löffler for all his support of these efforts . . .

iD2 crew & […]

posted 24 July 2017

categories design, education

bauhaus 98 & counting . . .

bauhaus 98 & counting . . .
the 100th anniversary of the founding of the bauhaus, in weimar, is in two years . . .
a mere three years before the beginnings of the bauhaus in 1916, the founding father of the assembly line, of mass-production, and the ford motor company,
henry ford, proclaimed that “history […]

posted 4 July 2017

categories design, education

towards an understanding of abstraction . . .

iD2 crew & instructors as participants in elements of design 2:
yvonne asbeck • katja bayer • korbinian binder • matthew burger •
sabrina bündgens • christian ciupka • valeria chavez klier • daniela deutzer •
melanie feigl • vera feuchtgruber • clara geng • christina holzgartner •
christine kloster • tobias lechner • laura lindner • simon […]

posted 21 June 2017

categories education