rat | ox | tiger | rabbit | dragon | snake | horse | goat | monkey | rooster | dog | pig dragon years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 & now 2024 . . .
ny times | ai weiwei’s “zodiac” is a mystical memory tour . . .
posted 9 February 2024
untitled, number eighty-six . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
matthew’s inanimate objects.winter reflections | two zero two fourtree cuttings & traffic cones in berner oberland,keith has his fifty-eighth birthday today; happy b-day […]
posted 24 January 2024
categories photos
untitled, number eighty-five . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
mio:matthew’s inanimate objects.
a focal chart, from medical general practitioner, the late dr. burkard müller’s former physician’s office in meschede . . .
posted 6 January 2024
categories photos
untitled, number eighty-four . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
matthew’s inanimate objects.
images bott | berner oberland tuna town’s first snow in 2023 . . .
posted 1 December 2023
categories photos
flotsam and jetsam (in german: treibgut oder schwemmgut) are terms that describe two types of marine debris associated with vessels. flotsam is defined as debris in the water that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often as a result from a shipwreck or accident. jetsam describes debris that was deliberately thrown overboard by a crew of […]
posted 21 November 2023
an iD lecture, by william fogler, ph.d | the department of industrial design |pratt institute, brooklyn, new york, circa 1987 . . .
pratt institute’s distinguished teacher award 1987 – 88 |the late iD professor […]
posted 1 November 2023
everything grows & the paul klee center, bern, switzerland . . .
everything grows | alles wächst | paul klee center exhibit booklet
a link to the digital exhibit guide: everything grows | alles wächst
posted 10 October 2023
untitled, number eighty-three . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
matthew’s inanimate objects.
images of multiple muselets from bottles of champagne,
meschede, nordrhein-westfalen . . .
champagne & the muselet: patent […]
posted 3 October 2023
categories photos
untitled, number eighty-two . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.
matthew’s inanimate objects.
images of the facade at schlossmattstrasse nr. 17, thun, switzerland . . .
posted 25 September 2023
categories photos
“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”
philosopher ludwig wittgenstein
“quite generally, the familiar, just because it is familiar, is not cognitively understood . . .”
“what is ‘familiarly known’ is not properly known, . . .
just for the […]
posted 21 September 2023
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