brains & beauty: making meaning’s visual narrative at midstream

many would generally include in a broad definition of design, to varying degrees,
a mixture of art and science. bruce mau recently commented that he see it as,
“a mixture of brains & beauty.” i like to think of our making meaning design students as hybrids, where we (jeff kapec and myself) are asking them to be visually expressive but also truly left and right brain thinkers. i think that the diversity of individual approaches connected to their interests, as shown by the eclectic body of work below, validates the vitality in our team taught studio. sometimes between jeff, our design seniors and myself, it can be somewhat chaotic, but always visually stimulating, as well as educationally rich. every semester is different, which is good because i have a tendency to be bored easily. every semester i’m learning something rather unusual and exciting from my making meaning group. as a designer and an instructor of design, that factor brings a lot
of added value to the entire experience . . .

here’s a complete list of our student group: mayang anggraeni • jess doutrich •
elice ferrell • kousaku haruguchi • chia-lin hsu • chelsea johnson • taehoon kim • adam miller • steffi min • victoria nam • xandy peters • liam pittman • matt speedy • collin velkoff • joey vrsecky & instructors: matthew burger • jeffrey kapec

posted 28 October 2010

categories education