everyday hero: ephemeral . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 11 •
everyday design hero:
ephemeral . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”

philosopher ludwig wittgenstein

01) lightness . . .

02) enhancing civility . . .

03) beautility . . .

04) robust, resilient & repairable . . .

05) embracing aspects of homo ludens . . .

06) anthropomorphic . . .

07) adaptable | transformable . . .

08) intuitive | self-explanatory . . .

09) accessible to 90% of the world . . .

10) a variation on a theme . . .

11) ephemeral . . .

12) wabi-sabi (grows better with time &/or use) . . .

13) improvisation . . .


“the beauty of the ephemeral is what it teaches us about nature; here we are, trying to control things, and nature is so powerful and will do what it does . . . ”

lita albuquerque


“i happen to believe in the beauty of simple things. i believe that the most uninteresting thing can be very interesting . . . ”

saul leiter
“when i create work…
it is in my view a metaphor reflecting an alternative response to examine…possibilities and extend the boundaries in art…my work can represent
links in the evolving narrative of memory and identity…”

el anatsui
ephemeral objects = interpretative keys . . .
stranded: a collection of small objects “beachcombed” from twenty-nine european beaches by artist ursula stalder . . .

suggested reading &/or the dialects of design continued, ephemeral:

01) fulford, jason. paper airplanes: the collections of harry smith
catalogue raisonné, volume I.
atlanta, j&l books, 2015.
02) harpman, louise, and scott specht. coffee lids.
new york, princeton architectural press, 2018.
03) hill, christine. minutes. ostfildern, hatje cantz, 2007.
04) giersch, ulrich, editor. freude am einkauf: papiertüten in der ddr.
berlin, verlag bien & giersch, 2015.
05) kappacher, walther. schönheit des vergehens.
salzburg-vienna, müry salzmann verlag, 2009.
06) klacsmann, john. string figures: the collections of harry smith
catalogue raisonné, volume II.
atlanta, j&l books, 2015.
07) lewandowska, marysia, and neil cummings. lost property.
london, chance books, 1996.
08) orozco, gabriel. asterisms.
new york, guggenheim museum publications, 2012.
09) patton, phil. top this and other parables of design: selected writings by phil patton.
new york, cooper hewitt smithsonian design museum 2016.
10) taubhorn, ingo, and brigitte woischnik. saul leiter: retrospektive.
heidelberg, kehrer verlag, 2012.
11) veuillet, mélanie. tools of disobedience.
printed in germany, edition patrick frey (zurich), 2017.
12) widmer, urs. gestrandet an den rändern europas; gesammelt von ursula stalder. zürich, publishing museum für gestaltung zürich, 1994.

posted 13 January 2022

categories design, education