among friends & rauschenberg . . .

painting relates to both art and life. neither can be made.
(i try to act in that gap between the two.)
robert rauschenberg, 1959

an excerpt from the robert rauschenberg foundation below:
rauschenberg foundation

black mountain college (north carolina, 1933–57), an experimental school focused on the collaborative teaching of art and science, served as a home and intellectual community for some of the most influential artists from the american postwar period. as students, rauschenberg and weil gained a reputation for collecting scrap materials while on garbage duty, turning a chore into an envied discovery expedition. this kind of salvaged matter would be integrated into the combines. rauschenberg completed his courses in spring 1949 and settled in new york.

rauschenberg’s encounters and collaborations with other artists at black mountain were critical to the development of his artistic sensibility . . .

among friends &: rauschenberg exhibit excerpt

posted 25 August 2017

categories education, photos