everyday hero: embracing aspects of homo ludens . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 05 •
everyday design hero:
embracing aspects
of homo ludens . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”

philosopher ludwig wittgenstein

01) lightness . . .

02) enhancing civility . . .

03) beautility . . .

04) robust, resilient & repairable . . .

05) embracing aspects of homo ludens . . .

06) anthropomorphic . . .

07) adaptable | transformable . . .

08) intuitive | self-explanatory . . .

09) accessible to 90% of the world . . .

10) a variation on a theme . . .

11) ephemeral . . .

12) wabi-sabi (grows better with time &/or use) . . .

13) improvisation . . .
francis alÿs: children’s games . . .
a puzzle with almost endless possible positions:
precisely | 43,252,003,274,489,856,000
“ i love the puzzling content of life &
the universe as it is . . .”
ernő rubik


suggested reading &/or the dialects of design continued,
embracing aspects of homo ludens:

01) algera, kirsten, and ernst van der hoeven, editors.
the life of things, no. 3: the rope. breda, macguffin, 2016.
02) carpenter, edmund snow. they became what they beheld.
new york, outerbridge & dienstfrey, 1970.
03) d’avossa, antonio, and francesca picchi. enzo mari, il lavoro al centro.
milan, electa, 1999.
04) götz, matthias, and maike fraas, editors. fiasco – ma non troppo. vom fehler.
basel, schwabe ag, 2014.
05) mac dougall, david. francis alÿs: the nature of the game.
berlin, dcv | dr. cantz’sche verlagsgesellschaft, 2022.
06) mazas, sylvain. dieses buch sollte mir gestatten, den konflikt in nah-ost zu lösen,
mein diplom zu kriegen und eine frau zu finden.
berlin, mückenschweinverlag, 2011.
07) neuhart, john, and marilyn neuhart, editors.
connections: the work of charles and ray eames. ucla art council, 1976.
08) panati, charles. extraordinary origins of everyday things.
new york, harper & row, 1987.
09) where you are. london, visual editions, 2013.

posted 13 July 2021

categories design, education