Posts in the category education

windswept 750th year celebration . . .

750th anniversary celebration | freienohl-meschede . . .
750 unique windswept freienohl fish kites from meschede’s community participants in conjunction with the organizational efforts of local artist & educator
carly brandelius schmitt . . .

an article about this venue from, Zeitung für Meschede, entitled: kultur gemeinsam mit menschen vor ort schaffen . […]

posted 28 August 2022

categories design, education

frost’s road not taken, iD students & sketchbooks . . .

the road not taken by robert frost
two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry i could not travel both
and be one traveler, long i stood
and looked down one as far as i could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;
then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and […]

posted 8 July 2022

categories design, education

everyday hero: improvisation . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 13 •
everyday design hero:
improvisation . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”
philosopher ludwig wittgenstein
01) lightness . . .
02) enhancing civility . . .
03) beautility . . .
04) robust, resilient & […]

posted 13 March 2022

categories design, education

everyday hero: wabi-sabi . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 12 •
everyday design hero:
wabi-sabi . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”
philosopher ludwig wittgenstein
01) lightness . . .
02) enhancing civility . . .
03) beautility . . .
04) robust, resilient & repairable […]

posted 13 February 2022

categories design, education

abstraction dancing towards the concrete . . .

abstraction dancing towards the concrete and
navigating ambiguity, with the iD1 crew for
immersion workshop week 1, as well as
design 1 | bid1en1-entwerfen 1:
* winter semester 2021-22 . . .
oth | iD studio participants:
alexandra arauz • amelie koch • amelie kurdzel • anne lichtenegger • bastian draken • carly brandelius schmitt • christian walter […]

posted 4 February 2022

categories education

ohio means, it is beautiful . . .

the name “ohio” is an iroquoian word which came from the seneca name for the ohio river, ohiyo, which means “it is beautiful.”
the indigenous tribes of the area now called *ohio, included among others: the hopewell, the shawnee, the chippewa, the ojibwa, the delaware, the wyandot, the eel river people, the kaskaskia, the miami and […]

posted 24 January 2022

categories design, education

everyday hero: ephemeral . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 11 •
everyday design hero:
ephemeral . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”
philosopher ludwig wittgenstein
01) lightness . . .
02) enhancing civility . . .
03) beautility . . .
04) robust, resilient & repairable . . .
05) […]

posted 13 January 2022

categories design, education

i am still alive . . .

about an exhibit of on kawara’s work, among others, at moma nyc., bewteen march & september 2011
an excerpt from the museum’s website:
in 1970, japanese artist on kawara sent a series of telegrams to his dutch gallerist that proclaimed, “i am still alive.” the simplicity of the message, coupled with the austerity of the […]

posted 6 January 2022

categories design, education, photos

dia art foundation & . . .

the dia beacon . . .
“dia,” taken from the greek word meaning “through.”
blinky palermo, times of the day l, 1974-75
images of work from blinky palermo, times of the day l & ll . . .

posted 2 January 2022

categories education, photos

on growth & form . . .

why in nature are growth, proportion, pattern & form related ? . . .

why form, growth, proportion & pattern are important:
on growth and form, by thompson d’arcy wentworth (*1860 †1948)
why form, proportion, pattern, sequence & abstraction are important:
podcast | bbc: leonardo of pisa & the fibonacci sequence . . .
why an […]

posted 1 January 2022

categories design, education