visual narrative, thomas ott, scott mc cloud & understanding comics . . .

we can learn a lot about visual narrative from people like thomas ott &/or scott mc cloud, where the images speak clearer, if not louder that the words, or the words are just nonexistent, unnecessary . . .
born in berne, switzerland (in 1966) ott studied at the kunstgewerbeschule in zurich and began working in […]

posted 6 December 2008

categories design, photos

letterform experiments from hansjakob fehr, abelardo morell, charles goodwin & grace . . .

here are a few interesting letterform experiments and in addition, if you happen to like charles goodwin’s three dimensional attempt at the word design, i would encourage you to take a look at the pdf file link below about his union square market, graphic space project. charles was in my senior studio, making meaning, graduated […]

posted 8 November 2008

categories design, education, photos

action drawing & instruction . . .

kyla & action drawing . . . action instruction . . . ajay, bill, david, david, matthew & sam

posted 6 September 2008

categories education