“well-building hat three conditions. commodity, firmness & delight.” sir henry wotton’s 1624 translated version of the de architectura is a plain and accurate translation of vitruvius’s work. in addition to architecture, this quote has long been used as a reference for good design standards; in essence, purpose, form, and meaning. these ideas and regensburg medieval center’s spacial context were used as a point of departure for our design one students. their interdisciplinary design project stressed an understanding of the relationship between spaces and volumes, along with the abstraction of both.
here are examples of the student’s final process guides:
patricio grau & simon budich space cube process guide.pdf
cassandra schmid & ines wolf space cube process guide.pdf
paula schrott & sebastian killinger space cube process guide.pdf
johanna brunner & veronika stärz space cube process guide part one.pdf & j.brunner & v.stärz, part two.pdf
hannes bruß & lukas zeidler space cube process guide.pdf
carina höcht & aaron vander bee space cube process guide.pdf
melanie mager & matthias pielmeier space cube process guide.pdf
elena benvenuti & laura wittmann space cube process guide.pdf
anna knaut space cube process guide.pdf
anna gerauer-aigner & jinny martens space cube process guide.pdf
corinna schaschek & simone anzer space cube process guide.pdf
lukas walzer & thomas hufnagl space cube process guide.pdf
artem ugnivenko & konstantin beitsch space cube process guide.pdf
christine tschech & lydia miller space cube process guide.pdf
patrick dudewicz & patrick oberbracht space cube process guide.pdf
amelie kainz & jonna breitenhuber space cube process guide.pdf
andreas wagner & benedikt bandtlow space cube process guide part one.pdf & a.wagner & b.bandtlow part two excerpt.pdf
the 3 small colorful building plan images i photographed during this project on locations within the context of the medieval center of regensburg. the images are part of a public art project from maria maier in 1995 called, “stadtzeit-zeitstadt, projekt regensburg.” if you want to see more, please look at this link:
maria maier’s stadtzeit-zeitstadt, projekt regensburg
posted 24 January 2013
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