Posts from September 2013

the importance of coffee (drinking rituals) & beth fuller’s • michael weaker’s nespresso concepts

the importance of coffee: beth fuller’s & michael weaker’s nespresso coffee concepts, which are at the end of all the other images and worth seeing . . .
the milk brother, from po-chih lai
the milk brother • moka milk frother is inherited from the moka pot, also known as a macchinetta (literally “small […]

posted 27 September 2013

categories design, education

workshop: soft landing prototypes . . .

“life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” george bernard shaw
a summer workshop at bauhaus university weimar: soft landing prototypes . . .
in their own words: comments, thoughts & reflections from participants, bauhaus summer school in weimar 2013

01) here are some examples from our workshop:
lina zatceliapina’s & […]

posted 15 September 2013

categories design, education

hommage at kiosk 6: leonard r. bacich . . .

lenny bacich liked to talk with anybody who was willing to share an interesting conversation. one cold winter day in 2004, lenny and i were catching up on the telephone. he was telling me in detail about an unexpected, rather wonderful connection he had made during a recent trip to germany at bauhaus university, weimar. […]

posted 9 September 2013

categories design, education