michaelina wautier: the five senses . . .

michaelina wautier | * 1614 † 1689 |
michaelina wautier’s paintings, the five senses, on display at the coolidge gallery, museum of fine arts, boston, massachusetts . . .
the new york times | by milton esterow:
for centuries, her art was forgotten, or credited to men. no more . . .
boston: the work of michaelina […]

posted 2 December 2022

categories education, photos

michael’s gallery in the bavarian countryside . . .

michael zink’s wonderful art gallery in the bavarian countryside . . .
gallery zink waldkirchen . . .
waldkirchen 2
92358 seubersdorf i.d. opf., bavaria . . .
the current exhibit is from october 15th until december 18th, 2022:
jana gunstheimer | ackern, ackern, ackern
jana gunstheimer’s website . . .

posted 21 November 2022

categories design, photos

untitled, number seventy-three . . .

untitled, number seventy-three . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects. dungeness nuclear power stations’ landscape, kent, uk. perceptions of dungeness for ian hossack’s birthday, […]

posted 2 November 2022

categories design, photos

untitled, number seventy-two . . .

untitled, number seventy-two . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects. red tractor seat & achille castiglioni
says “hello” from a flea market sunday in regensburg . . […]

posted 15 October 2022

categories design, education, photos

untitled, number seventy-one . . .

untitled, number seventy-one . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
a surface detail from a range rover (from zürich) & another surface
detail (with round openings) from a range […]

posted 3 October 2022

categories photos

untitled, number seventy . . .

untitled, number seventy . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
blurring transitory boundaries’ abstracted language:
lightness | adaptable | ephemeral on aluminum panels . . .

posted 11 September 2022

categories design, photos

untitled, number sixty-nine . . .

untitled, number sixty-nine . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
late summer | early autumn, ornamental cascade structures . . .
similar to frederick law olmsted’s emerald […]

posted 1 September 2022

categories photos

windswept 750th year celebration . . .

750th anniversary celebration | freienohl-meschede . . .
750 unique windswept freienohl fish kites from meschede’s community participants in conjunction with the organizational efforts of local artist & educator
carly brandelius schmitt . . .

an article about this venue from, Zeitung für Meschede, entitled: kultur gemeinsam mit menschen vor ort schaffen . […]

posted 28 August 2022

categories design, education