Posts in the category education

immersion workshop week 2016 . . .

this year for the third year in a row, immersion workshop week 2016 (iww. 2016) was held as an alternative to an excursion away venue (i.e. to see luis barragán’s work in mexico, vist the capital of sweden’s architecture, among others). iww. 2016 was open to all of the university of applied sciences’ department of […]

posted 21 May 2016

categories education

advice for students . . .

charles eames • advice for students:
make a list of books . . .
develop a curiosity . . .
look at things as though for the first time . . .
think of things in relation to each other . . .
always think of the next larger thing . . .
avoid the “pat” answer-the formula . . […]

posted 21 March 2016

categories education

less is more than more . . .

less > more:
iD bachelor projects at the municipal museum leerer beutel, in regensburg, bavaria
iD participants:
aaron vander bee • andreas wagner • anna knaut • benedikt bandtlow • bianca bauer jörg • ina turinsky • jinny martens • jonna breitenhuber • johanna brunner • kevin • konstantin beitsch • laura wittmann • lukas walzer • lukas […]

posted 9 March 2016

categories design, education

design concepts • work in progress . . .

four from twenty-three design concepts • work in progress of iD bachelor projects at gallery konstantin b., regensburg bavaria:
• konstantin beitsch
• simon budich
• ina turinsky
• laura wittmann
design, as a primary form of artistic invention and expression, embraces not only artifact making, but also the meaning we associate with objects through their shaping of our […]

posted 26 February 2016

categories design, education

coney island winter . . .

new york city impressions from a brief moment in time from twenty–nine faculty, friends & iD students of the university of applied sciences regensburg’s department of architecture. participants in this adventure:
andreas völkl • anja lindner • bernhard löffler • catharina hoffmann • christiane hilmer • christine kindermann • daniela deutzer • daniela penagos höck […]

posted 25 February 2016

categories design, education

the cult of the creative . . .

the industrial design program at the university of applied sciences regensburg in conjunction with the municipal government of regensburg collaborated loosely on a design venture which started in the spring of 2015 and ended with an exhibit of student work this week at the new creative forum center called deggingerhaus. among others, the cult of […]

posted 8 January 2016

categories education

workshop: visualizing the future(s) . . .

“the act of creation is what distinguishes the artist. where there is no creation, there is no art . . . in art (architecture & design) the genuine creator is not only a gifted being, but someone who has managed to put in order for an ultimate purpose an array of activities, of which the […]

posted 25 August 2015

categories education

immersion workshop week, 2015 . . .

immersion workshop week was held as a special, summer semester venue of the
iD program at the university of applied sciences, regensburg. open to all students in the oth’s department of architecture, the immersion workshop week was an exchange of ideas connecting people in a moment of time to an exploration of vision, values, skills and […]

posted 10 May 2015

categories design, education

natur als vorbild exhibit in leerer beutel . . .

“a nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of beauty. the ancient greeks called the world (kosmos), beauty. such is the constitution of all things, or such the plastic power of the human eye, that the primary forms, as the sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight […]

posted 20 March 2015

categories design, education

homo ludens . . .

oth: university of applied sciences, regensburg,
iD5 crew’s product design three project,
winter semester 2014-15 . . .
film: homo ludens, der spielende mensch
film: homo ludens, die erlebniskantine
film: homo ludens, moon . . .
homo ludens’ work group included, among others, the following people:
aaron vander bee • amelie kainz • andreas […]

posted 10 February 2015

categories design, education