posted 2 April 2009

categories education, photos

pratt id faculty & student experiences in weimar . . .

(das bauhaus kommt) as well as pratt id students &
professor lenny bacich comes to the bauhaus . . .

laura strasser, (former bauhaus exchange student at pratt) along with sven müller (not pictured here) are assisting lenny bacich during his semester as a guest professor at the bauhaus . . . jack foley, alvaro […]

posted 2 April 2009

categories education, photos

bauhaus 90: tomás maldonado reflects on ulm . . .

performance piece: “die mechanische bauhausbühne”,
theater of sound, düsseldorf, germany

a ceremonial act commemorating the 90th anniversary of the beginning of
the bauhaus, april 1st, 2009. the honorary public lecture was given by
professor tomás maldonado, from mailand, italy . . .
tomás maldonado, in the publication ulm 8/9, september 1963:
“ist das bauhaus aktuell?”

designboom, february 24, 2009: […]

posted 1 April 2009

categories design, education, photos

lighting fires & making meaning’s mid-term critique . . .

“the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting . . .”
on listening, essays by plutarch.

the spring, mid semester preliminary critique for making meaning was held on thursday, march 12th from 6:00 pm until around 9:30 pm . . .
in addition to the seniors […]

posted 13 March 2009

categories design, education

fat tuesday & the race is not to the swift . . .

“the race is not to the swift,
but to those that can stand still
and let the waves go over them.
the battle is not to the strong,
but to the frail, who know best
how to efface themselves
to save the streaked pansy of the heart from being trampled to mud.” […]

posted 24 February 2009

categories photos

peter keetman’s photographs of vw’s factory in wolfsburg

if you’re not familiar with peter keetman’s photographs (from 1948 until 1974) of the vw factory in wolfsburg, germany, you might want to take a look at this pdf file:
vw werk wolfsburg, peter keetman
steidl publishing: gestaltete welt | designed world | peter keetman

posted 20 February 2009

categories design, photos

abstraction & the graham field project results . . .

“education is a social process; education is growth; education is not
a preparation for life but is life itself.” john dewey
graham field • pratt presentation

jeff kapec (along with sergio silva) emphasized that for this project, our id students utilize abstraction to explore design through physical and visual experience to discoverer ideas that […]

posted 14 February 2009

categories design, education

louise swärdshammar’s impressions of new york . . .

louise swärdshammar (formerly louise häggberg), designer, instructor and visiting research scholar from sweden to pratt institute’s department of industrial design, lived & worked in brooklyn for a period of about a year and a half from the late summertime of 2007 until the end of the year holiday season of 2008.
during that time, among […]

posted 14 February 2009

categories photos

gg has moved from chelsea to new mexico . . .

the third image below is from summer 2008, of tarik currimbhoy with gerald gulotta in gerald’s 26th street studio in chelsea. on february 9th this year, gerald moved to be with his family in santa fe, new mexico. we that have know gerald from many years of living & working in new york, will […]

posted 9 February 2009

categories design, education

harvard design magazine & photography . . .


in 2003 i started seeing these wonderful photographs in a swiss publication called, “du” (du zeitschrift für kultur) from two polish artists/photographers: aneta grzeszykowska & jan smaga

on the other hand, i find it rather unfortunate that the designers, at harvard design magazine, didn’t use aneta grzeszykowska / jan smaga’s […]

posted 28 January 2009

categories photos