Posts in the category design

connections, sbb cff ffs & thinking about systems . . .

charles & ray eames use to talk about connections all the time in their references to design . . . in fact, before there was the retrospective book of their life’s work, eames design | © 1989 john neuhart, marilyn neuhart & ray eames, harry abrams inc. |, there was a small brochure from the […]

posted 7 September 2009

categories design

brooklyn goodbye & fruit super design . . .

on july 25th a group of people got together at public house on de kalb avenue to wish sallyann & joe well as they embarked upon a new adventure very far away from brooklyn . . . like berries & fruits that can be both bitter & sweet at the same time, we will miss […]

posted 26 July 2009

categories design

hand held products . . .

two examples of hand held products by former wentworth institute of technology, industrial design students: peter swai & rei sohji . . . both designs have a special quality that is hard to achieve without an enormous amount of attention to the tactile (haptic) character of these objects as they relate to the human hand.

posted 18 July 2009

categories design, education

good domestic products & robert langhorn’s id seniors . . .

on wednesday, may 6th, the id seniors in robert langhorn’s studio exhibited their final projects for gdp | good domestic products | the opening started at 6:00pm, at 124 washington avenue, brooklyn and went until late into the evening . . .
g.d.p. & industrial design at pratt, part one

posted 8 May 2009

categories design, education

sbb cff ffs & the brünig retrofit program . . .

one important goal of a large company such as swiss federal railways, is to maintain a high design standard for a very long period of time. this aspects of the work can be seen in the brünig’s retrofit program, were the mandate was to improve a seasoned fleet of rolling stock vehicles through design improvements, […]

posted 4 May 2009

categories design

lucia de respinis’ adventures with id student . . .

lucia & elizabeth pavese at the rrk award ceremony,
at knoll, in january 2008 . . .

the work below, from lucia de respinis’ junior studio class, helped anna sfinarolakis win a fifteen thousand dollar windgate fellowship. anna used the fellowship money, in part, for a three month artist in residency at the european ceramic center […]

posted 25 April 2009

categories design, education

longoland at pratt: josh’s work & the work of his students . . .

josh longo is interested in story telling, developing characters and among other things, explorations with soft materials in his own work, as well as the work of his pratt industrial design students. last spring was the first time josh was teaching three dimensional abstraction in the industrial design department and he has approached this possibility […]

posted 15 April 2009

categories design, education

franco clivio & hidden forms . . .

while overlooking johann wolfgang von goethe’s garden in weimar, franco clivio & wolfgang sattler were discussing the lecture on clivio’s new book, that he would give on april 2nd . . .

franco clivio: shaper, designer, lecturer & collector, shows the complexity of the design process, not by design objects, but on the basis […]

posted 2 April 2009

categories design, photos

bauhaus 90: tomás maldonado reflects on ulm . . .

performance piece: “die mechanische bauhausbühne”,
theater of sound, düsseldorf, germany

a ceremonial act commemorating the 90th anniversary of the beginning of
the bauhaus, april 1st, 2009. the honorary public lecture was given by
professor tomás maldonado, from mailand, italy . . .
tomás maldonado, in the publication ulm 8/9, september 1963:
“ist das bauhaus aktuell?”

designboom, february 24, 2009: […]

posted 1 April 2009

categories design, education, photos

lighting fires & making meaning’s mid-term critique . . .

“the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting . . .”
on listening, essays by plutarch.

the spring, mid semester preliminary critique for making meaning was held on thursday, march 12th from 6:00 pm until around 9:30 pm . . .
in addition to the seniors […]

posted 13 March 2009

categories design, education