Posts in the category education

one million man hours, injury free . . .

this autumn, on friday, october 3rd, ines and i got together with the entire crew of pratt industrial design technicians on myrtle avenue to share food, drink and conversation . . . pictured from left to right: gary, seth, yours truly, julia, brendan and john . . . among other things, we talked about how […]

posted 4 October 2008

categories education

twentieth century pictograms, hieroglyphs & hans rudolf lutz

hans-rudolf lutz was born in zurich in 1939.
after completing a four-year typesetting apprenticeship with the orell füssli printing company in zurich, and continuing a career in the industry with the typographer arthur kümin and later the printer anton schöb, he left switzerland in 1961 to travel through europe and north africa. in 1963, he […]

posted 24 September 2008

categories design, education

action drawing & instruction . . .

kyla & action drawing . . . action instruction . . . ajay, bill, david, david, matthew & sam

posted 6 September 2008

categories education

an everyday utilitarian object, the swiss army knife . . .

some of my own exploration of an everyday utilitarian object, namely the swiss army knife in basel switzerland (hochschule für kunst & gestaltung) came full circle a few years later, when i worked with nick weinberg in boston (at wentworth institute of technology, the industrial design program) on a directed studies project to design a […]

posted 18 August 2008

categories design, education

visual narrative by keen gat, à la pratt id (& edward tufte)

keen gat’s visual interpretation of her first semester in graduate school at pratt, in a temporal sense . . . that was the beginning & here is a link to the culmination & new beginning:
one example from edward tufte’s work:
essay: the cognitive style of powerpoint
16 edward tufte prints; images from the […]

posted 12 August 2008

categories design, education

three examples of exchange experiences at pratt

this should be the beginning of a rather long but very colorful journey, here are just three examples from the students that have visited / studied at pratt’s industrial design department from bauhaus universität weimar:

1) laura strasser, our first student from the bauhaus, was greatly inspired by ceramics instructor, irv tepper, which led to […]

posted 10 August 2008

categories design, education

the essence of spaces evokes . . .

thirty spokes meet in the hub . . . lao tse

spaces evoke emotion . . .

posted 8 August 2008

categories design, education

id view images . . . spring 2008

here’s the link to the id view, spring ’08 powerpoint presentation:
id view images spring 2008
karen auster from bklyn designs & pratt id students . . .

posted 1 August 2008

categories education

some thoughts on design education from charles eames . . .

1977 | charles & ray eames; thinking in the the powers of ten . . . 

thoughts on design education from charles eames . . .
that the objective be limited & specfic: the danger in many problems is that limits are so broad that it is impossible for the student to isolate the prime objective […]

posted 24 July 2008

categories education