play & paper form flirtation . . .

this spring yoon jung heo was in my making meaning, senior design studio. she said she was very interested in seeing what she could do with the ephemeral & slightly neglected traditional material, paper . . . yoon’s exploration of the possibilities with paper immediately makes me think of other wonderful references like, the paper […]

posted 12 April 2010

categories education

visual narrative about design in 1974 . . .

what was happening in north america in 1974? well, among other things, there were two related events, the u.s. supreme court decision: united states v. nixon, 418 u.u. 683 & u.s. president richard nixon announces his resignation, effective august 9, 1974. there was also the continuation of the 1973 oil crisis into 1974. there […]

posted 21 March 2010

categories education, photos

blue birthday for lenny, good bye my old friend . . .

today, february 4th 2010 would have been lenny bacich’s birthday.
blue birthday for an old friend, i will miss you dearly . . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * […]

posted 4 February 2010

categories photos

pratt’s id crew & nyu’s itp crew share design strategies . . .

pratt’s idsa student chapter & id instructor, noah king organized a two day collaborative event between pratt’s industrial design department and new york university’s tisch school of the arts, itp (interactive telecommunications program) students. some of the collaborators are, among others, jess fugler, susan ngo, eddie de martino, sean gordon, michael kelberman, noah king, marko […]

posted 24 November 2009

categories education

empathy for culture as a living organism . . .

here’s an interesting exhibit at the cooper hewitt until january 4, 2010:
cooper hewitt’s design for a living world exhibit
in addition (& it seems rather serendipitous), on may 23rd of this year, artist & instructor, rebecca welz went to guyana with 11 pratt graduate & undergraduate industrial design students on an experiment in understanding culture […]

posted 4 November 2009

categories education

shigeru uchida speaks on “the design of weakness” at pratt

opening reception(s) thursday, october 15th, 6:00pm until 8:00pm:
ippodo gallery • 521 west 26th street b1, (between 10th & 11th avenues)
new york, new york 10001, telephone: 212 / 967-4899
opening reception thursday, october 15th, 6:00pm until 8:00pm
shigeru uchida & ippodo gallery
design indaba: shigeru uchida & the power of weakness . . .
gana […]

posted 14 October 2009

categories design, photos

icff 2009 • design for a dollar’s after life . . .

pratt id’s design for a dollar, concept brief: icff may 2009
please see the link below for an example of pratt institute’s department of industrial design, design for a dollar exhibit “after life” from the international contemporary furniture fair / icff, from may 16th through the 19th, 2009 found in the september ’09 issue of […]

posted 1 September 2009

categories education

brooklyn goodbye & fruit super design . . .

on july 25th a group of people got together at public house on de kalb avenue to wish sallyann & joe well as they embarked upon a new adventure very far away from brooklyn . . . like berries & fruits that can be both bitter & sweet at the same time, we will miss […]

posted 26 July 2009

categories design

louise swärdshammar’s impressions of new york . . .

louise swärdshammar (formerly louise häggberg), designer, instructor and visiting research scholar from sweden to pratt institute’s department of industrial design, lived & worked in brooklyn for a period of about a year and a half from the late summertime of 2007 until the end of the year holiday season of 2008.
during that time, among […]

posted 14 February 2009

categories photos

design preis schweiz in boston, until february 6th . . .

please see the small pdf file below of the schweizer fahnenschwinger
| swiss flag waver | i think you will enjoy the traditional swiss art form
with a small touch of humor . . .

schweizer fahnenschwinger, swiss flag waver
design preis schweiz review 2009
design preis schweiz at swissnex boston

posted 24 January 2009

categories design