design, society & the public realm . . .

in an urban environment, humanitarian values are characterized by people’s behavior within public spaces. a sense of life’s quality is reflected in society’s collective interactions within the public realm. changing perceptions of shared public space and enhancing the context of the quality of life can be achieved through the use of design.
in the spring of […]

posted 11 December 2013

categories design, education

light, design & spacial ambience . . .

“for the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting . . .”
on listening, essays by plutarch, translation by robin waterfield.
light, design & spacial ambience participants:
alfonso copé gómez-aguado • arancha lorenzana • asimina koutsogianni • cynthia khor • daniela hoffrichter • danuta kril • denisa marinescu […]

posted 19 August 2012

categories design, education

dialogue debut in johannesburg . . .

last week i had the pleasure of making my debut in johannesburg, south africa for the department of industrial design at the university of johannesburg. my host was chris bradnum, the head of the industrial design department at the university of johannesburg. industrial design is part of the faculty of art design and architecture. the […]

posted 15 June 2011

categories education

15 students & 15 design topics . . .

on the first official day of the spring semester’s holiday break, about thirty-five people gathered in the design center gallery to have a dialogue with our making meaning studio. the guest critics included brain kerr & jess fügler from quirky, as well as mm alumni endrit hajno & ian ciesla. the conversation shifted from topics […]

posted 13 March 2011

categories design, education

sunstar bicycles, design & looking towards the future . . .

sunstar & pratt id bicycle workshop 2007:
in the summer of 2006 in copenhagen denmark, i met with rieko ito (of ixi s.r.l., located in milan, italy), to discuss the possibility of a year long industry-sponsored mobility project with pratt’s id students. rieko, with her counterparts in japan at sunstar, were interested developing a new […]

posted 6 February 2011

categories design, education

winter design solstice . . .

mm: making meaning
industrial design studio: matthew burger • jeff kapec
december 11th – 15th, autumn semester 2010
pratt studios 43, pratt institute, brooklyn, nyc.
id seniors & project topics:
mayang anggraeni • headphones
jessica doutrich • hybrid animals
elice ferrell • hats
kousaku haruguchi • patient room
chia-lin hsu • stomach monsters
chelsea johnson • emotional dolls
taehoon kim • trash can
adam miller • […]

posted 16 December 2010

categories education

form, texture & pattern inceptions in paper, for ralph pucci . . .

congratulations to all of the students from pratt institute’s school of art & design that participated with ralph pucci international on their conceptual paper project. i would especially like to congratulate all the id graduate & id undergraduate students, along with their industrial design faculty advisor, josh longo, for the quality of work that […]

posted 9 December 2010

categories design, education

walking the earth . . .

people put their foot to the ground everyday without even thinking about it or being consciously aware of what’s happening; the behavior that we call walking can also be described as a physical repetitive motion of a body falling forward. usually people are wearing some sort of boot, shoe or sandal and if their inside, […]

posted 15 November 2010

categories education, photos

brains & beauty: making meaning’s visual narrative at midstream

many would generally include in a broad definition of design, to varying degrees,
a mixture of art and science. bruce mau recently commented that he see it as,
“a mixture of brains & beauty.” i like to think of our making meaning design students as hybrids, where we (jeff kapec and myself) are asking them […]

posted 28 October 2010

categories education