good domestic products & robert langhorn’s id seniors . . .

on wednesday, may 6th, the id seniors in robert langhorn’s studio exhibited their final projects for gdp | good domestic products | the opening started at 6:00pm, at 124 washington avenue, brooklyn and went until late into the evening . . .
g.d.p. & industrial design at pratt, part one

posted 8 May 2009

categories design, education

lighting fires & making meaning’s mid-term critique . . .

“the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting . . .”
on listening, essays by plutarch.

the spring, mid semester preliminary critique for making meaning was held on thursday, march 12th from 6:00 pm until around 9:30 pm . . .
in addition to the seniors […]

posted 13 March 2009

categories design, education

happy new year . . . january 26th

the year of the ox . . . and sandra hoffmann & franco robbiani’s photographic winter stroll in switzerland

posted 26 January 2009

categories photos

happy new year . . .

the year of the ox . . .

posted 31 December 2008

categories photos

id thesis presentation, friday, december 12th 2008:

pratt institute’s industrial design department is proud to announce the master’s thesis presentations with a reception/celebration to follow in the design center gallery:

posted 12 December 2008

categories design, education

the life of design educator extraordinaire, dan november . . .

in memoriam: daniel november, an iron man with a heart of gold . . .
pratt alumnus (a.a.s. 1963, 1972) and full time professor in the department of industrial design, who had taught at pratt since 1986 died this autumn at the age of 75. a design educator extraordinaire, he was formerly with george […]

posted 24 October 2008

categories design, education

one million man hours, injury free . . .

this autumn, on friday, october 3rd, ines and i got together with the entire crew of pratt industrial design technicians on myrtle avenue to share food, drink and conversation . . . pictured from left to right: gary, seth, yours truly, julia, brendan and john . . . among other things, we talked about how […]

posted 4 October 2008

categories education

id view images . . . spring 2008

here’s the link to the id view, spring ’08 powerpoint presentation:
id view images spring 2008
karen auster from bklyn designs & pratt id students . . .

posted 1 August 2008

categories education

some thoughts on design education from charles eames . . .

1977 | charles & ray eames; thinking in the the powers of ten . . . 

thoughts on design education from charles eames . . .
that the objective be limited & specfic: the danger in many problems is that limits are so broad that it is impossible for the student to isolate the prime objective […]

posted 24 July 2008

categories education