buchstabenmuseum, berlin . . .

recently, i had a chance to visit the buchstabenmuseum in berlin with my artist friend ruth thomas. this is an interesting, kind-of quirky place that’s located in mitte, near alexanderplatz’s ‎ U & S bahn, on the karl-liebknecht-strasse 13. the space itself is small, but it could possibly grow larger with time. teresia alfredsson, who works at the museum, was helpful with information about future plans (there’s talk and ideas of a possible new location for the museum to a more substantial, comprehensive site). you can reach her at this address: t(at)buchstabenmuseum.de you can also find out more at the link below. i would encourage you to stop and take a look. this is a rather wonderful, yet small eclectic collection of letterform, made mostly for the architectural scale of buildings and impressions of life at night.

the museum of letters’ / buchstabenmuseum: berlin

design of the buchstabenmuseum by the dedicated students
of the university of applied sciences in coburg

another museum with a somewhat similar collection, located in las vegas, nevada:
resurrecting the iconic lights of sin city; las vegas’ neon museum

las vegas’ neon boneyard images by carl carl on flicker

posted 1 April 2012

categories design, photos