Posts in the category education

miles davis quote . . .

an interesting miles davis quote that i received from one of my students . . .

thanks lisa for the encouragement . . .

posted 9 May 2020

categories education

found objects alphabets & letterforms . . .

an important part of the educational system in germany usually involves the successful completion of an entrance exam at the university level. here are a few visual impressions of the recent rite of passage, in the department of architecture, for the new hybrid industrial design program at the university of applied sciences regensburg. the following […]

posted 1 May 2020

categories education

we don’t need another hero . . .

follow your bliss . . .
if you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you and the life
you ought to be living is the one you are living. when you can
see that, you begin to meet people who are in the […]

posted 10 April 2020

categories design, education

the language of form & concavity . . .

the following is an excerpt from the rowena reed kostellow fund’s website,
problem three: concavity
the sculptural exercise that emphasizes concavity explores a relationship which is seldom understood. a talented and intuitive designer may well arrive at sensitive, positive volumes, but unless the important relationship of the negative volumes, or concavities, to the positive forms are […]

posted 1 March 2020

categories education

dublin &/or baile átha cliath . . .

a visit to dublin &/or in gaelic, baile átha cliath (town of the hurdled ford), at the end of may, beginning of june, that included the national botanic gardens of ireland, the teeling whiskey distillery in the liberties, the national print museum ireland,
the national gallery of ireland, as well as open labs (arts technology research […]

posted 2 June 2019

categories education, photos

reflexion on sabine . . .

memento mori & sabine lange 1966-2018 . . .
a few reflexions on a year without sabine lange (in this period of time, have we learned anything from our loss ?). here below is the last email i received from sabine, three days before her death, now a year ago . . .
| […]

posted 13 January 2019

categories education

the nature of exploration & . . .

the nature of exploration & the lines in space venue for elements of design one at oth: the university of applied sciences regensburg, with carly brandelius schmitt, matthew burger & the iD1 crew:
iD1 crew:
afra zantner • ahmad alzarkali • anna brodmann • carolin kaiser • caroline meyer • john renner • julia mandacioglu • […]

posted 17 December 2018

categories education, photos

open mindedness & iD schulterblick . . .

“a mind is like a parachute. it doesn’t work if it’s closed.”                                                                                        […]

posted 14 July 2018

categories design, education

immersion workshop week 2018 . . .

immersion workshop week 2018,
april 30th through may 4th, at the
oth: university of applied sciences regensburg,
bavaria . . .

participants from the oth’s department of architecture
01) alice stelíková & petr stehlík’s group:
amairani guzman zenteno • antonia müller • bianca spornraft • chia lin liao • christian neumayer • erisa gogo • gian van rooyen • […]

posted 9 May 2018

categories education