Posts in the category education

eva’s austrian iD1 crew excursion . . .

eva höschl’s excursion with the iD1 crew from the oth’s industrial design program, department of architecture, university of applied sciences regensburg.
sunday, december 10th, the 20th anniversary exhibit at the kunsthaus bregenz:
dear to me, in addition to a conversation between architect peter zumtor and philosopher ralf konersmann. monday, december 11th a visit to lichtforum (entwicklung […]

posted 13 December 2017

categories design, education

south africa’s cape town & the power of one . . .

the almighty conceived the cactus plant. if god would choose a plant to represent him, i think he would choose of all plants the cactus. the cactus has all the blessings he tried, but mostly failed, to give to man. let me tell you how.
it has humility, but it is not submissive. it grows […]

posted 24 November 2017

categories design, education

among friends & rauschenberg . . .

painting relates to both art and life. neither can be made.
(i try to act in that gap between the two.)
robert rauschenberg, 1959
an excerpt from the robert rauschenberg foundation below:
rauschenberg foundation
black mountain college (north carolina, 1933–57), an experimental school focused on the collaborative teaching of art and science, served as a home and […]

posted 25 August 2017

categories education, photos

an exhibit: transformation . . .

july 20th until september 8 2017:
galerie konstantin b.
am brixener hof 11
regensburg, bavaria
various works from the iD2 crew and the industrial design program,
department of architectures, at the university of applied sciences regensburg . . .
a special thanks to bernhard löffler for all his support of these efforts . . .

iD2 crew & […]

posted 24 July 2017

categories design, education

bauhaus 98 & counting . . .

bauhaus 98 & counting . . .
the 100th anniversary of the founding of the bauhaus, in weimar, is in two years . . .
a mere three years before the beginnings of the bauhaus in 1916, the founding father of the assembly line, of mass-production, and the ford motor company,
henry ford, proclaimed that “history […]

posted 4 July 2017

categories design, education

towards an understanding of abstraction . . .

iD2 crew & instructors as participants in elements of design 2:
yvonne asbeck • katja bayer • korbinian binder • matthew burger •
sabrina bündgens • christian ciupka • valeria chavez klier • daniela deutzer •
melanie feigl • vera feuchtgruber • clara geng • christina holzgartner •
christine kloster • tobias lechner • laura lindner • simon […]

posted 21 June 2017

categories education

immersion workshop week 2017 . . .

immersion workshop week 2017,
may 1st through may 5th, at the
university of applied sciences regensburg,
bavaria . . .

immersion workshop week 2017: topic suggestions, revised . . .
01) reciprocal frames, with instructor lutz köbele-lipp &
jessica coppola • roland kießling • christine kloster • laura lindner • franz ludwig • steffen möckl • tina schart […]

posted 9 May 2017

categories education

coney island winter revisited . . .

participants / friends of the industrial design program at the oth:
bernhard löffler • christian peetz • ines like venus • jürgen grünbeck • lisa vrabec • martin köstlbacher • paul höschl • petra wilhelm • sebastian knopp • stefan katzlinger •
oth: university of applied sciences regensburg, department of architecture:
anna schmied • benedikt weigmann […]

posted 15 March 2017

categories design, education

share your knowledge in the new year . . .

the dalai lama and i agree; share your knowledge in the new year !
number 14 on his instructions for life in the new millennium below.
“only that education deserves emphatically to be termed cultivation of the mind which teaches young people how to begin to think.”
mary wollstonecraft
“the first problem for all of us, men & […]

posted 31 December 2016

categories education

mariscal’s bavarian venues . . .

javier mariscal came to visit regensburg in conjunction with two special venues; the screening of his film, chico & rita, as well as the opening of a one man exhibit at leeren beutel called, mariscal’s world. monday may 30th; 150th day of the year in the gregorian calendar was the third special venue. on that […]

posted 31 May 2016

categories design, education