Posts in the category photos

fat tuesday & the race is not to the swift . . .

“the race is not to the swift,
but to those that can stand still
and let the waves go over them.
the battle is not to the strong,
but to the frail, who know best
how to efface themselves
to save the streaked pansy of the heart from being trampled to mud.” […]

posted 24 February 2009

categories photos

peter keetman’s photographs of vw’s factory in wolfsburg

if you’re not familiar with peter keetman’s photographs (from 1948 until 1974) of the vw factory in wolfsburg, germany, you might want to take a look at this pdf file:
vw werk wolfsburg, peter keetman
steidl publishing: gestaltete welt | designed world | peter keetman

posted 20 February 2009

categories design, photos

louise swärdshammar’s impressions of new york . . .

louise swärdshammar (formerly louise häggberg), designer, instructor and visiting research scholar from sweden to pratt institute’s department of industrial design, lived & worked in brooklyn for a period of about a year and a half from the late summertime of 2007 until the end of the year holiday season of 2008.
during that time, among […]

posted 14 February 2009

categories photos

harvard design magazine & photography . . .


in 2003 i started seeing these wonderful photographs in a swiss publication called, “du” (du zeitschrift für kultur) from two polish artists/photographers: aneta grzeszykowska & jan smaga

on the other hand, i find it rather unfortunate that the designers, at harvard design magazine, didn’t use aneta grzeszykowska / jan smaga’s […]

posted 28 January 2009

categories photos

happy new year . . . january 26th

the year of the ox . . . and sandra hoffmann & franco robbiani’s photographic winter stroll in switzerland

posted 26 January 2009

categories photos

happy new year . . .

the year of the ox . . .

posted 31 December 2008

categories photos

visual narrative, thomas ott, scott mc cloud & understanding comics . . .

we can learn a lot about visual narrative from people like thomas ott &/or scott mc cloud, where the images speak clearer, if not louder that the words, or the words are just nonexistent, unnecessary . . .
born in berne, switzerland (in 1966) ott studied at the kunstgewerbeschule in zurich and began working in […]

posted 6 December 2008

categories design, photos

brazzaville tropical house from jean prouvé, in new york

“maisons préfabriqées” a tropical house design by jean prouvé,
in long island city, new york beside the 59th street bridge . . .

in addition, here’s a link you might be interested in from 2007:
a tropical house in new haven connecticut, design by jean prouvé
lastly, a pdf excerpt from robert rubin about jean […]

posted 14 November 2008

categories design, education, photos

letterform experiments from hansjakob fehr, abelardo morell, charles goodwin & grace . . .

here are a few interesting letterform experiments and in addition, if you happen to like charles goodwin’s three dimensional attempt at the word design, i would encourage you to take a look at the pdf file link below about his union square market, graphic space project. charles was in my senior studio, making meaning, graduated […]

posted 8 November 2008

categories design, education, photos