dia art foundation & . . .

the dia beacon . . .
“dia,” taken from the greek word meaning “through.”
blinky palermo, times of the day l, 1974-75
images of work from blinky palermo, times of the day l & ll . . .

posted 2 January 2022

categories education, photos

on growth & form . . .

why in nature are growth, proportion, pattern & form related ? . . .

why form, growth, proportion & pattern are important:
on growth and form, by thompson d’arcy wentworth (*1860 †1948)
why form, proportion, pattern, sequence & abstraction are important:
podcast | bbc: leonardo of pisa & the fibonacci sequence . . .
why an […]

posted 1 January 2022

categories design, education

untitled, number sixty-one . . .

untitled, number sixty-one . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
2021: katrin kalt’s found art objects from packing materials, zürich.
the substantial minor matter exhibit in zurich’s design museum:
die […]

posted 31 December 2021

categories design, photos

everyday hero: a variation on a theme . . .

ubiquitous quality factor number 10 •
everyday design hero:
a variation on a theme . . .

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity & familiarity.”
philosopher ludwig wittgenstein
01) lightness . . .
02) enhancing civility . . .
03) beautility . . […]

posted 13 December 2021

categories design, education

design dialogue with anna & miriam . . .

love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole . . .
plato, the symposium
anna eckl & miriam kreuzer shared with us insights on their educational experiences at the university of applied science regensburg (undergraduate: industrial design) as well as the hochschule für bildende künste braunschweig (graduate: transformation design), via zoom […]

posted 6 December 2021

categories design, education

untitled, number sixty . . .

untitled, number sixty . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
1988: 35mm analogue black & white photographs from ruth (streckeisen) thomas

posted 3 December 2021

categories photos

lines in space . . .

immersion workshop week, autumn 2021: artist carly brandelius schmitt & designer georg milde’s autumn venue for the iD1 crew. the students work, in conjunction with elements of design | lines in space exercises, that had an analogue as well as digital component. the industrial design program at the oth: the university of applied sciences regensburg’s, […]

posted 2 December 2021

categories design, education

untitled, number fifty-nine . . .

untitled, number fifty-nine . . .
untitled |ˌənˈtītld|
1 (of a book, composition, or other artistic work) having no name.
2 (of a person) not having a title indicating high social or official rank:
lesser untitled officials.

matthew’s inanimate objects.
printed matter from, typographic designer & educator, wolfgang weingart.
wolfgang weingart (*february 6,1941 † july 12, 2021)

posted 1 December 2021

categories design, education, photos

convexity & concavity . . .

professor waleska leifeld’s plastische gestaltung (form development & analysis), an intermediate critique of form, in conjunction with convex | concave objects. oth: the university of applied sciences regensburg, the department of architecture.
participants: plastische gestaltung, the iD program’s iD3 crew:
antonia rupp • dilara mercan • fabian wörner • jessica kaufmann • julia karpf • julia ries […]

posted 25 November 2021

categories design, education

regensburg & plzeň projects . . .

sutnarka’s context description for cumulus association:
sutnarka | cumulus association
the name of ladislav sutnar is well-known all around the world. born in pilsen, sutnar came to prominence in europe in the interwar period and in the united states after the second world war. his life and work have remained a source of inspiration in many […]

posted 14 November 2021

categories design, education