Posts in the category design

aboutForm & workshop with bauhaus university . . .

right after the easter holiday last month, the iD4 crew from the oth: university of applied sciences went to weimar for a workshop with bauhaus university. the topic area was aboutForm & hard ware; new form development possibilities with porcelain as the main point of departure. the workshop took place the entire week of april […]

posted 1 May 2014

categories design, education

why is there air ? . . .

full disclosure, bill cosby already posed this question in 1965 with his third record entitled with the same question. unlike other essential elements such as water or fire, air seems to be underrated. our relationship to air, in all its ramifications, might deserve more attention than is commonly considered. a good place to start would […]

posted 7 January 2014

categories design

design, society & the public realm . . .

in an urban environment, humanitarian values are characterized by people’s behavior within public spaces. a sense of life’s quality is reflected in society’s collective interactions within the public realm. changing perceptions of shared public space and enhancing the context of the quality of life can be achieved through the use of design.
in the spring of […]

posted 11 December 2013

categories design, education

dutch design roadtrip week & . . .

one mere week is a rather brief moment in the flow of time. nonetheless, about two thirds of the iD3 crew connected 2000 kilometers of land between regenburg’s blue danube and the waters of rotterdam’s harbor with a bosnian bus driver, his sixty passenger bus and thousands of sensory design experiences. carly brandelius schmitt, ina […]

posted 27 October 2013

categories design, photos

the importance of coffee (drinking rituals) & beth fuller’s • michael weaker’s nespresso concepts

the importance of coffee: beth fuller’s & michael weaker’s nespresso coffee concepts, which are at the end of all the other images and worth seeing . . .
the milk brother, from po-chih lai
the milk brother • moka milk frother is inherited from the moka pot, also known as a macchinetta (literally “small […]

posted 27 September 2013

categories design, education

workshop: soft landing prototypes . . .

“life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” george bernard shaw
a summer workshop at bauhaus university weimar: soft landing prototypes . . .
in their own words: comments, thoughts & reflections from participants, bauhaus summer school in weimar 2013

01) here are some examples from our workshop:
lina zatceliapina’s & […]

posted 15 September 2013

categories design, education

hommage at kiosk 6: leonard r. bacich . . .

lenny bacich liked to talk with anybody who was willing to share an interesting conversation. one cold winter day in 2004, lenny and i were catching up on the telephone. he was telling me in detail about an unexpected, rather wonderful connection he had made during a recent trip to germany at bauhaus university, weimar. […]

posted 9 September 2013

categories design, education

prototype testing . . .

this post is a educational design homage to the late head & faculty member of the industrial design department at rhode island school of design, kenneth hunnibell. i adopted this assignment after seeing ken in action with his iD students during a cook-off, in the spring of 1998 at risd. four years later in boston, […]

posted 22 July 2013

categories design, education

exhibits in vienna . . .

on a recent visit to vienna, we were able to visit close friends that we haven’t seen for some time and see some interesting exhibits about art and design. the first viennese katarina actually lives now in manhattan; she was able to share her holiday with us at some of her favorite home town spots. […]

posted 11 July 2013

categories design, education

a design dialogue with läufer+keichel . . .

june 26th: wednesday evening, at 6:00pm the new industrial design program at the university of applied sciences regensburg will host an evening with the berlin design duo, läufer+keichel. julia läufer and marcus keichel have been working together as a creative partnership since 2003. their design work focuses on sustainable solutions and ranges from communication, exhibit, […]

posted 4 June 2013

categories design