Posts in the category education

design as dialogues at pratt . . .

on september 25th, i had a design as dialogue talk about pratt institute’s industrial design department, future tense, namely our new sophomores class. . . we did this during their studio session on friday with their instructors for sophomore studio: jeanne pfordresher, jonathan thayer, patrick fenton, scott lundberg & willy schwenzfeier. i think we all […]

posted 26 September 2009

categories education

family in the kingdon of crystal, sweden . . .

family: celebrating character & unity in högskolan i kalmar, pukeberg, sweden by kyle solá. kyle, who is currently one of my id seniors in my studio class, making meaning, recently returned from an exchange semester abroad in sweden in the region they call, “the kingdon of crystal” . . . please take a look at […]

posted 21 September 2009

categories design, education

swedish excellence: design s exhibit . . .
please see below link from newsweek regarding the swedish design award at pratt:
on thursday, june 18th, the department of industrial design at pratt, in conjunction with consulate general of sweden in new york & the director of exhibitions at pratt, hosted an opening reception & panel discussion for design s: […]

posted 11 September 2009

categories design, education

icff 2009 • design for a dollar’s after life . . .

pratt id’s design for a dollar, concept brief: icff may 2009
please see the link below for an example of pratt institute’s department of industrial design, design for a dollar exhibit “after life” from the international contemporary furniture fair / icff, from may 16th through the 19th, 2009 found in the september ’09 issue of […]

posted 1 September 2009

categories education

hand held products . . .

two examples of hand held products by former wentworth institute of technology, industrial design students: peter swai & rei sohji . . . both designs have a special quality that is hard to achieve without an enormous amount of attention to the tactile (haptic) character of these objects as they relate to the human hand.

posted 18 July 2009

categories design, education

hands, objects & human factors . . .

handles & hands, one / two handedness:
handle it . . .

handles & hands, one / two handedness:
handle it . . .

posted 16 July 2009

categories education

kalmar & linnæus university (swedish: linnéuniversitetet)

this spring per lundberg from the international offices of kalmar & växjö university came to visit pratt’s industrial design department / international affairs office on may 14th, 2009 for an update on how the id’s programs newest exchange program is doing & to let us know that, as of january 2010, kalmar/växjö university will (be […]

posted 16 May 2009

categories education

good domestic products & robert langhorn’s id seniors . . .

on wednesday, may 6th, the id seniors in robert langhorn’s studio exhibited their final projects for gdp | good domestic products | the opening started at 6:00pm, at 124 washington avenue, brooklyn and went until late into the evening . . .
g.d.p. & industrial design at pratt, part one

posted 8 May 2009

categories design, education

lucia de respinis’ adventures with id student . . .

lucia & elizabeth pavese at the rrk award ceremony,
at knoll, in january 2008 . . .

the work below, from lucia de respinis’ junior studio class, helped anna sfinarolakis win a fifteen thousand dollar windgate fellowship. anna used the fellowship money, in part, for a three month artist in residency at the european ceramic center […]

posted 25 April 2009

categories design, education