immersion workshop week, 2015 . . .

immersion workshop week was held as a special, summer semester venue of the
iD program at the university of applied sciences, regensburg. open to all students in the oth’s department of architecture, the immersion workshop week was an exchange of ideas connecting people in a moment of time to an exploration of vision, values, skills and […]

posted 10 May 2015

categories design, education

a new adventure in sunset park . . .

as of the month of may, ines and i will begin a new adventure in bi-continental living. we will have a new apartment in sunset park brooklyn as well as our current apartment in bavaria. our new address in sunset park will soon be:
648 60th street
apartment no. 3
brooklyn, new york,

posted 10 April 2015

categories photos

natur als vorbild exhibit in leerer beutel . . .

“a nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of beauty. the ancient greeks called the world (kosmos), beauty. such is the constitution of all things, or such the plastic power of the human eye, that the primary forms, as the sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight […]

posted 20 March 2015

categories design, education

happy new year . . .

happy chinese new year from sunset park brooklyn & regensburg bavaria. two of the image here are fragments from chrissy angliker’s paintings, that are being shown at the mediums exhibit | curated by michael hambouz | which opened on friday night in greenpoint, brooklyn. other images are from sunset park’s eight avenue in brooklyn yesterday. […]

posted 22 February 2015

categories photos

homo ludens . . .

oth: university of applied sciences, regensburg,
iD5 crew’s product design three project,
winter semester 2014-15 . . .
film: homo ludens, der spielende mensch
film: homo ludens, die erlebniskantine
film: homo ludens, moon . . .
homo ludens’ work group included, among others, the following people:
aaron vander bee • amelie kainz • andreas […]

posted 10 February 2015

categories design, education

a reflection about a few good teachers . . .

thomas g. brereton | social sciences • barbara cleary | english •
annabelle h. cummings | cultural context • roy (bud) davis | art & design •
maria t. ferraro | mathematics • betsy m. hughes | english • noel vaughn | english •
the miami valley school • immersion course description • 1974
it is still […]

posted 3 February 2015

categories education

gallery konstantin b. aboutForm & exhibit . . .

about form &: a design exhibit in regensburg, bavaria at gallery konstantin b.
a collaborative design project with bauhaus university weimar and the oth: university of applied sciences regensburg in conjunction with gallery curator, bernhard löffler, from konstantin b. regensburg . . .

bauhaus university weimar & oth: university of applied sciences regensburg,
students of […]

posted 16 January 2015

categories design, education

*corita kent-john cage’s rules & hints for student & teachers . . .

i can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
i’m frightened of the old ones . . .
john cage
one of the greatest blessings that the united states could receive in the near future would be to have her industries halted, her business discontinued, her people speechless, a great pause in her world affairs created . […]

posted 21 December 2014

categories education, photos

a design dialogue with kevin henry . . .

a rather interesting discussion with the chicago designer/educator kevin henry about visualizing the future(s) that started on wednesday, december 3rd in halle a, at the oth: university of applied sciences regensburg, department of architecture and continued on thursday, december 4th at the design academy regensburg with the oth’s iD1 crew in conjunction with students from […]

posted 6 December 2014

categories education

design (education) quo vadis . . .

gestalten lehren – auf der kippe ?
the institute for art education at the university of regensburg
paraphrasing rather that translating the german title (for the venue held this week by institute for art education in conjunction with other partners*) could be close to “art and design education at the tipping point”
or “art & […]

posted 28 November 2014

categories design, education